Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Preparing for Hurricane Frances

Things aren't looking too good over here. It seems that hurricane Frances will pass by close enough for us to see at least some of the effects of the storm. Other than the regular preparations for the family and home, now I have to worry about the business. Even though the store hasn't been started yet, I still have the Chippery cooker sitting in my garage. This was supposed to be a temporary holding place until we received access to the space in the mall so I didn't think that updating our insurance would be an issue. Our contents including the cooker add up to more than what we're insured for (gasp!). The plan is to push the mall to turn the space over as soon as possible and get the cooker over there. The mall sits further inland and may not experience as strong a storm as we would. We're fairly close to the coast. I'll try to keep this updated with what we do.

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